millennium mambo (2001)

let's talk about millennium mambo.

  • (2001)
  • directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien
  • the film follows vicky, and the taipei night life in 2000.
    vicky is caught between two men. vicky lives in night clubs and small apartments, and is almost always bathed in neon lights. the spaces around her are littered with cigarettes, old receipts, cute sticky notes and pulsing music.
    vicky is played by shu qi, who also worked with hou hsiao-hsien on another two films.
  • i don't remember where i first heard of the film, but i remember trying to find it and coming up empty until a small cinema two cities away randomly showed the film, because it had apparently been remastered and brought to bluray. i took a few friends and we went to see it. they liked it well enough, but i was obsessed and in love immediately.
img\millennium mambo

this is what the film looks like...